Fever, cough, headache, muscle and joint pain, feeling unwell, sore throat, runny nose - these are symptoms of seasonal influenza or flu.
The flu symptoms will likely go away within a week without requiring medical attention. Here are certain things can do to ease your symptoms.
If you have a fever or flu symptoms, drink plenty of fluids like water, juice and warm soups to prevent dehydration.
Make sure you get enough sleep to help your immune system fight infection. Avoid exercising if you have fever, fatigue or muscle aches.
Taking paracetamol may help reduce the achiness associated with flu. But aspirin use in children and teens may increase risk of Reye's syndrome.
In case of a severe infection posing high risk of complications, the patient may be prescribed an antiviral medication to treat the flu.
Some people may get severe ill from flu, including pregnant women, young children, elderly people, individuals with chronic medical conditions or weak immunity.
Don't go to school or work if you have a fever or flu symptoms. Stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone, unless you need medical care.
Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze to prevent spreading the infection to others.