OMG 2 Actor Akshay Kumar’s Healthy Diet Regime


OMG 2 Actor Akshay Kumar's Healthy Diet Regime


The OMG2 actor is not only known to be a foodie but also one who follows a very healthy diet routine to stay fit. Here is everything Akshay Kumar eats in a day according to reports.


When he turned 53, Akshay Kumar turned Vegan while maintaining his love for Indian, sattvik foods.


The actor’s diet guide, Mohit Savargaonkar says Akshay Kumar’s breakfast choice is chia pudding with berries and avocado on toast.


One of the fittest Indian actors, Akshay Kumar does not indulge in protein shakes, but consumes protein-rich foods that are vegan.


The actor is also known to indulge in parathas, fruits and nuts in the morning highlighting his Punjabi roots.


For lunch, Akshay Kumar usually tofu curry, brown rice and sauteed vegetables for a wholesome Vegan meal.


Reports suggest that while Akshay Kumar isn’t into snacking, he does indulge in zero-fat almond and blueberry cookies.


Akshay Kumar usually has his last meal of the day by 7PM, which consists of a bowl of soup with simple sauteed vegetables.


As a general rule, Akshay Kumar avoids alcohol, packaged foods and processed foods.