From Muscle Pain To Tooth Loss: 9 Signs Of Vitamin D Deficiency


From muscle pain to tooth loss: 9 signs of vitamin D deficiency


Fatigue Studies show that low vitamin D levels make one feel tired or fatigued. Although no connection between the two could be established.


Frequent illness Vitamin D deficiency can lead to dampening of the immune system. Thus, making the body prone to illness and infections.


Muscle pain Vitamin D promotes muscle function. Low vitamin D levels can lead to loss of muscle tone, weakness and pain.


Back pain Loss of muscles can put pressure on your back and neck. This can lead to lower back pain. Several doctors encourage vitamin D supplements.


Hair loss Vitamin D plays an important role in generating new hair among other hair issues. Thus, the deficiency could slow hair growth.


Depression Studies have shown that people with vitamin D deficiency may be at an increased risk of experiencing depressive episodes.


Weight gain Low vitamin D can lead to weight gain. Studies show that people with obesity are 35 per cent more likely to be vitamin D deficient.


Gum disease and  tooth loss Gum diseases and tooth loss are huge signs of a lack of vitamin D. This is required to heal cavities, fractures and decays.


Urinary Tract Infection Vitamin D helps to prevent infections including UTIs in the body. If you are experiencing recurring UTIs it is a sure sign of lack of vitamin D.