From Ikigai To Wabi-Sabi: 11 Japanese Concepts To Live By For A Healthy Life
From Ikigai to Wabi-Sabi:11 Japanese concepts to live by for a healthy life
Ikigai ‘Ikigai’ is the Japanese concept that means to practice the purpose of life. Everybody is passionate about something and they should find it.
Mottainai This translates to everything deserves respect and gratitude and thus should not be wasted. Resources should not be wasted and mainly depends on reducing, reusing and recycling.
Wabi-Sabi This concepts refers to finding beauty in imperfection. It means accepting one’s life wholeheartedly with all its problems.
Omotenashi This concept highlights the importance of hospitality without payment or any gratification. It includes the culture of bowing as a way of greeting.
Kintsugi The art of resuing broken objects by filling the gaps with gold paint is known as Kintsugi. This delivers the powerful message that something cracked and damaged can be beautiful.
Oubaitori The Japanese concept of self-improvement encourages one to focus on their own life and not compare it to others. It asks one to introspect and prioritise personal growth.
Gaman Gaman stresses on the need to be patient in unpleasant situations. It means to endure certain problematic situations for the greater good.
Omaiyari This loosely translates to keep others in your thoughts. In simpler words, it means to step in someone’s else’s shoes and being mindful of their existence.
Kaizen Kaizen is made up of two words ‘Kai’ meaning change and ‘Zen’ meaning good. It means breaking down life goals into smaller goals 3which can be easily pursued and help make steady progress everyday.