Coconut To Flaxseeds, 8 Healthy Fat Sources For Weight Loss


Coconut To Flaxseeds, 8 Healthy Fat Sources For Weight Loss


Not all fats are unhealthy. In fact, some healthy fatty acids sources are essential not only for weight loss but also normal bodily functions. Here are some such healthy fat sources you should eat.


Every part of the coconut is packed with healthy fatty acids, but the oil is especially so.


From salmon to sardines, the omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish are perfect for weight management.


A part of the Mediterannean diet, olive oil is great for weight loss and to reduce heart disease risks.


Whether made of almonds, peanuts or any other nut, all nut butters are packed with healthy fatty acids.


Chia seeds are rich in fiber and healthy fats, so adding them to your weight loss diet is essential.


Flaxseeds are another source of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber and are found extensively in India.


Studies show that eating walnuts can improve body composition and reduce your waist size too.


Research suggests that dark chocolate consumption in moderation may have positive effects on weight management.