7 Delicious Cucumber Recipes To Welcome Spring Season


7 Delicious Cucumber Recipes To Welcome Spring Season


Spring season is almost here and it is time to welcome the season with some refreshing treats made with seasonal harvests like cucumbers. Make this season more refreshing by creating these 7 delicious recipes with cucumber.


This interesting accordion-shaped cucumber salad, drenched in spicy chilli soy sauce, makes a delicious side dish.


The savoury yoghurt combines harmoniously with the freshness of grated cucumber and spices, creating this delightful condiment.


Cucumber Kimchi is a flavour-packed and spicy side dish you can serve alongside many dishes. Fermentation makes cucumber savoury.


Tzatziki is a Greek dip made by combining grated cucumber, yoghurt, garlic, herbs, lemon juice and seasoning.


Ready in a few minutes, all it takes is blending cucumber with yoghurt, garlic, mint, dill, vinegar and celery seeds.


Peeling long threads of cucumbers and seasoning them with chilli oil or seasoning of choice prepares this refreshing dish.


Cutting thin and long slices of cucumber, layering it with cheese slices, meat or vegetable of choice and skewering it with a toothpick creates this quick appetiser.


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