Drinking water from an earthen pot or clay pot offers numerous health benefits. In case you do not know how it can be great for your health, here are 7 benefits you should know.
Natural Cooling
Earthen pots have a unique porous structure that allows water to cool naturally through the evaporation process. This makes the water temperature ideal for drinking, especially during hot weather, without the need for refrigeration.
Boosts Metabolism
The minerals present in the clay can enhance water quality, which in turn can boost metabolism. Drinking from an earthen pot may help in maintaining an optimal metabolic rate, facilitating better digestion and nutrient absorption.
Prevents Sunstroke
Sunstroke is a common concern during extreme heat. However, drinking clay pot water may help maintain the body’s temperature and keep you hydrated, reducing the risk of sunstroke.
Alkaline Nature
Clay is alkaline in nature, which helps in maintaining the pH balance of the water stored in earthen pots. Consuming alkaline water can neutralise the acidity and other gastric related problems.