6 Health Benefits Of Dragon Fruit


6 Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit


The dragon fruit, also known as pitahaya or strawberry pear, is low in calories, famous for its red skin and seed-speckled pulp. Here are some benefits of including dragon fruit in the diet, as reported by Healthline.


It is a low-calorie fruit with essential nutrients. It contains a substantial number of vitamins, minerals, and fibres. It also provides beneficial plant compounds like carotenoids, betacyanins, and polyphenols.


Dragon fruit acts as an antioxidant and helps to fight against inflammation and cell damage. It contains potent antioxidants like carotenoids and betalains that help to prevent diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart problems, and arthritis.


The gut is home to 400 species of bacteria that impact health. Several studies associate imbalances in the gut with heart disease and asthma. Since dragon fruit contains prebiotics, it helps in keeping a healthy gut.


Dragon fruit contains vitamin C which acts as a barrier and prevents infections by protecting white blood cells. WBCs fight against harmful substances and strengthen the immune system.


Only a few fruits contain iron, and dragon fruit is one of them. Iron plays a vital role in the functioning of our body. It helps to transport oxygen throughout the body and break food into energy. Adding dragon fruit to your diet will help to combat low iron levels.


Dragon fruit is high in magnesium as compared to other fruits. Magnesium prevents the risk of heart strokes and other cardiovascular diseases but high-quality research is needed to support the claim.

