Strange Things One Might Do During Sleep


Sometimes a loved one can find you talking, walking and making strange sounds while sleeping. They might think that you are awake but in truth you are not.


Sleep has been a mystery to many scholars over a long period of time. Initially thought to be a passive resting period was later understood as a time of great rejuvenation. A lot happens in our body when we are sleeping. It is interesting to know that while sleeping human beings are capable of showing a wide range of behaviour, sometimes they could be strange and unsettling.


Sometimes a loved one can find you talking, walking and making strange sounds while sleeping. They might think that you are awake but in truth you are not. These strange nocturnal behaviours have been called parasomnias and they are usually taken as sleep-disruptive disorders. Most of them are initiated at a subconscious or unconscious level.


One can make sounds in sleep that might or might not make sense always. These monologues can be short or long and are rich in negative content, more like bashing someone with harsh words. This might usually happen when you are ill or stressed or dealing with some sleep disorder.


One might sit up on bed, fumble between bed covers or might try to walk towards a certain room or light. As per experts, people who engage in this behaviour might have their eyes all wide open and often engage themselves in complex activities.


Have you felt like falling from a cliff or bed and then waking up with a start? These are hypnic jerks and might usually happen when you are transitioning into deep sleep. Sometimes it might accompany a feeling of hearing a loud bang or flash of light.


Another strange thing that one might do is to wake up partially, feeling disoriented and confused. Sometimes this might happen when you suddenly woke up from a deep sleep state and your heart is racing fast. You might even feel terrified for no reason. It might also happen due to alcohol consumption.


Sometimes a person might grind their teeth hard during sleep. This might end up they having tooth pain, sensitivity and jaw soreness the next morning.


During REM sleep, sometimes the mind might wake up suddenly but the body is still in rest. With our muscles being paralyzed during the phase, a person can open their eyes but can’t move. This makes the situation nightmarish.


Can anyone eat while they are sleeping? Yes, they can. People might wake up during the non-REM sleep phase and go on binge eating. They might eat up unusual or strange combinations of food.