PCOS: 10 Foods To Avoid For Hormonal Imbalance Control


PCOS: 10 foods to avoid for hormonal imbalance control


Refined carbohydrates are the worst food for PCOS and should be avoided.


Caffeine, and its consumption raises estrogen hormone(female hormone) levels in the body and should be avoided if you have PCOS.


Fried food is full of unhealthy saturated fats and trans fats and can increase the risk of weight gain


Alcohol consumption can increase the levels of testosterone hormones and also disturb the hormones required for ovulation. Avoid alcohol if you have PCOS


Excess consumption of red meat should be avoided if you have PCOS as it can decrease the level of progesterone hormone which is required for pregnancy and a healthy menstrual cycle


Sugary beverages increases the release of insulin and affects the level of testosterone.


Milk may increase androgen hormone production which helps in the production of estrogen (female hormone). Increases in estrogen levels can lead to the severity of PCOS.


Foods like baked cookies, fried foods, cakes, and butter contains saturated and strand fats which can worsen the symptoms of PCOS.


Soy products have a compound named phytoestrogen. It mimics estrogen hormone (female hormone). It should be avoided by PCOS females.