Medicine That Work As Magic For Diabetes In Ayurveda , Should Be Used Like This


Medicine that work as magic for diabetes in Ayurveda , should be used like this


These days the problem of diabetes has become common and people are doing different things to control it.


Diabetes is not controlled even after trying thousands and millions of remedies but today we will tell you a medicine which has been reported as the enemy of diabetes in Ayurveda


This magical medicine is called as "Javitri" extracted from a nutmeg known as jaiphal in some Indian households which is used in treatment of lots of diseases. If it is consumed, it will control your blood sugar.


Javitri is the dried bark extracted from nutmeg that are found in the kitchen with other spices


Let us now know  how to consume mace as most of the people have doubt whether to consume it with food or water


Mace is used as a hot spice. Pieces of dry mace can be kept in casserole etc. which will increase the taste of food and also help in controlling diabetes


Otherwise you can also consume mace tea. Put few pieces of mace in water and boil it, add 1 teaspoon of honey and then consume it.

