Jar Of Achaar: Try These 6 Desi Pickles Today


Jar Of Achaar: Try These 6 Desi Pickles Today


Pickling has been very common in India and the wide variety of achaars are proof. From hot and fiery to tangy and sweet, desi achaars that you should try.


This vegetable can be dunked into a pickle jar and made into a tangy treat. Eggplants tossed in a sweet and sour masala are quite popular in Goa.


Belonging to the North-East, the condiment is made with fermented soyabean that can also be added to meat dishes. The smoky and bitter flavours amps up any meal.


Made with the Assamese fiery chilli, bhoot jolokia is one of the spiciest peppers in the world. Now you can only guess how hot this red chilli pickle would be.


The healthy Indian gooseberry is famous for its tangy chutney but have you tried the achaar? Packed with Vitamin C, it is popular in Bihar, UP and Jharkhand too.


A cross between a chutney and a pickle, the Kolhapuri thecha is a favourite condiment in Maharashtra. It is usually combined with peanuts, salt and garlic.


The pahadi achaar variety includes this lingri achaar made with wild fiddlehead ferns. Toss them in some oil and enjoy with your meals.


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