Diabetes, a chronic health condition that affects more than 10% of the adult population around the world, has no cure. As per International Diabetes Federation (IDF), by 2045, 1 in 8 adults, or approximately 783 million, will be living with diabetes. Here are some warning signs that you may be one of them.
As per the Centres of Disease Control, United States, one warning sign of diabetes that many of us ignore is frequent urination, especially at night.
Another symptoms that signal you should get your blood sugar tested is numb or tingling hands or feet.
If your skin is persistently dry in spite of religiously moisturising it, a blood sugar test may be in order.
Uncontrolled diabetes can impact circulation, causing blood to move more slowly, which makes healing slower or at time stops it.
Diabetes compromises the immune system and people with the affliction, as per CDC, can have more frequent illnesses like respiratory tract infections, flu, pneumonia, urinary tract infection