5 Tips To Clean Greasy Utensils


5 Tips to Clean Greasy Utensils


Cleaning your kitchen after hosting a get-together at home can be a daunting task. To remove the stubborn grease, we often use chemicals from the market.


There is no need to buy fancy cleaners from the market anymore. Here we bring some easy tips on how to clean greasy utensils using key ingredients hiding in your pantry.


Soak your greasy utensils in warm water with a good amount of salt and keep it for an hour or so. Once done, use a scrubber to scrub out all the grease.


Rice water is effective in removing stubborn oil stains. Soak utensils in a bowl of rice water for 30 mins. Use a scrub to wipe off the grease & wash it.


Mix vegetable oil with lemon juice, salt and sugar. Spread this mixture over the greased utensils. After some time, scrub it off and wash with hot water.


Lemon is a natural bleach that can clean greased utensils. When mixed with baking soda, lemon not only removes the excess oil also makes the utensils shine.


Combine vinegar, baking soda & washing soap. Mix well & soak coconut husk in this solution. Soak utensils in hot water & scrub it with coconut fibre.


So, the next time you're cleaning greasy utensils, do keep these tips in your mind!


Image Credit: Pexels